Frequently asked questions
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What's the best way to get rid of feral hogs?
It takes a strategic solution, a combination of methods. Trapping combined with hunting is best. Simply hunting rarely gets them all, and teaches them where not to go. And not every hog will enter a trap, no matter how much conditioning. Sometimes you have to hunt and kill the hogs who never enter your trap.
What kind of trap works best?
The Pig Brig is best for these reasons: easy to move, and no need to monitor and close the trap gate.
I only have a few hogs. Why can't I use a trap?
Small traps may be the least effective because if you cannot fit the entire sounder into the trap, some will inevitably learn and never enter the trap.
What do I do with the hogs once I trap them?
It depends on which state you live in. In some states (Texas) you can transport them live either to a licensed buying station (holding facility) or slaughter house; males to a licensed hunting ranch (males only). In other states, you cannot transport a live feral hog period. See,can%20be%20purchased%20for%20%24148.50.
Do I need a license to hunt feral hogs?
In general no, but it depends on your state. You certainly need permission of the landowner. On public lands, generally yes. In general, it is recommended you check your state laws, as often there are subtle nuances in the laws you should be aware of. For example, in Texas, if you are trapping or snaring hogs, you might accidentally catch other animals for which you would need a license. See this link:
Are there any toxicants or poisons that I can use to control feral hogs?
Legally, no. Many have been tried, including sodium nitrate and warfarin. Sodium nitrate is being used in Australia, but in the USA, no poisons are allowed because of harm to other species including humans. See the question about contraceptives (below).
Are there bounties for feral hogs?
Sometimes in some counties, and sometimes in some states.
Can I hunt for feral hogs on public lands?
Generally yes, with a valid hunting license. Check your local regulations, as (in Arkansas for example) there are seasons depending on which areas, and depending on where the lands are State or Federal.
How can I sell live feral hogs?
It depends on the state. Generally, for pork to enter the commercial food market, it has to go through an FDA-inspected facility. For the FDA to inspect the hog, it must be alive when inspected. You can do this in Texas. In Arkansas, since you cannot transport a live feral hog, no feral pork can enter the pork market.
How can I sell dead feral hogs?
They can only be sold privately.
Who can I hire someone to get rid of my feral hogs?
There are many private individuals and companies who will do this either for a fee, or at no charge. Those doing it for free are generally hunters who love to hunt and/or fill their freezers with free-range pork. They may or may not use traps. Those charging a fee are more likely to use traps, and may or may not also hunt them. Be sure you have a clear agreement as to what you can expect from someone you allow on your land. Will they be respectful of other livestock, where they are allowed to go and when, what methods they will use, what will happen to those they catch or kill, an idea of what results to expect over what time period, and what kind of updates can you expect from them?
Can I feed feral hogs?
In Texas: Feral hogs are to only be fed until transportation is arranged for delivery to slaughter or a holding facility, or for fattening on the premise of origin for personal consumption.
Where do feral hogs come from? How did they get here? How did they get to be such a problem?
Here is where you can write the answer to that question.
Give me a brief history of feral hogs in this country?
Feral Hogs were first introduced in North America by the Spanish explorers in the 1500s. They brought them over and turned them loose, the idea being that the Hogs would fend for themselves and be available to be hunted at a later date. Over time, they also escaped domestic captivity. Wild boars were introduced from Europe into New Hampshire in the 1790s (later in California) for hunting, and these populations in some places have mixed with domestic pigs. As pigs have no natural predators, and are quite adaptable and fecund, they did quite well over time. Gradually, particularly in the 1970s and 80s, hunters enjoyed hunting them so much, that they would trap them and transport them to other places simply because it gave them more places to hunt. Needless to say, farmers were not happy with this. Nor were ranchers, though ranchers seem to be less bothered by them than farmers. Ranchers are more likely to just shoot at them, which scatters them to the neighbors. Farmers on the other hand, see their crops destroyed and fields uprooted to the point that they cannot drive mechanized equipment on them. Feral hogs are invading the suburbs, where they tear up lawns and gardens, golf courses, and athletic fields. Like raccoons and possums, they will go through garbage. But a single 200-pound hog can do far more damage to trash cans, than can even a family of raccoons.
Many hunters love to hunt them (second in popularity behind deer). Some hunters complain that hogs compete with deer for food. But many deer hunters welcome a little free-range fatty pork to complement their ultra-lean venison.
The epicenter of feral hogs in the United States is Texas. Many blame the state laws for the problem. the reason given is that one reason given is that because you're allowed to charge people to hunt feral Hogs, this encourages the breeding of them. Further, the fact that you can transport a live feral hog (presumably to a holding facility or slaughterhouse) mean that it's easier to catch them and move them around for your own purposes. Based on Texas’s experiences and proliferation of hogs there, some states have said “let's see what they're doing in Texas, and we will do the opposite".
There's a male contraceptive feed on the market. What can you tell me about it?
It's made from cottonseed, which contains a naturally occurring contraceptive called gossypol. Some commercially-raised livestock are already being fed gossypol through cottonseed meal, so proponents claims this is OK. Ruminants like cows can digest (break down/neutralize) small amounts of it, while non-ruminants like hogs and humans cannot. Let's just say its use is controversial. I talk more about it here: