Got a feral hog problem?
About me
My name is Tom Reichert. There’s no obvious connection between my past jobs and my dream job, which is in the control of feral pigs. My interest in feral hog control goes back many years, and is multi-faceted.
I’m at heart a scavenger, a dumpster diver, and I’m always looking for under-utilized and valuable resources that nobody else wants. I love what I consider a "daily double" (or triple): multiple benefits from one activity. In the case of harvesting feral hogs, this is food, and yes they can be very good to eat. This is good food that NEEDS to be harvested because these animals are wreaking havoc on farms, ranches, public lands, private landscapes, and other species . WE are responsible for their being here, and it is our responsibility to control and manage them. And enjoy the process!!